Black Hawk College welcomes veterans and military students. We are proud to be military- and veteran-inclusive and have established our own Veterans Resource Center.
Veterans Resource Center
Black Hawk College offers veterans and active-duty military students and employees a place to relax, network, study and find resources to help them transition into college and careers.
The center has a break room with almost all the comforts of home – a quiet room, space for studying, having lunch or coffee with others, meetings and recreation, and an office staffed with veterans and a coordinator to answer questions and make referrals.
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We are thrilled that you are interested in Black Hawk College, and we look forward to guiding you through your academic journey.
Our student-athletes and coaches bring their passion and teamwork to every game.
Not an athlete? We love our BHC fans. Together, we can create a college experience that’s full of school spirit on and off the field.
Student Life
Find information on student life and resources to make the most of your time at Black Hawk College.
Veterans Resource Center
Quad-Cities Campus
Building 4, Room 117
Mon-Fri from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Other hours as needed
East Campus
Building A, Room 226